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Purim (For Such A Time As This) Book of Ester

The faithfulness of God towards his covenant people. Genesis 12:3 is the promise to Avraham of divine protection: “I will bless those who bless you, but I will curse whoever curses you, and by you, all the families of the earth will be blessed.”

Every follower of Yeshua (Jesus) has a reason to celebrate. God’s consistent protection of the Jewish people should give all a sense of hope and security. God is a covenant-keeping God who is faithful to all generations.

A secondary but important lesson of this holy day is the responsibility of humans to accomplish God’s will. Esther is the only book with no clear reference to God, yet he can be seen working out his plan behind the scenes. You can see if God’s will is to be carried out, then people have a responsibility to act.

Esther 4:14. The message here is that when God partners with people to protect His chosen people. If we are Christians today, do you not see how the Lord is calling the Christian to stand with the Jewish people, whenever we see anti-Semitism.

In the days we are currently seeing the soon return of Yeshua! We must be doing all we can to work and let the Holy Spirit guide us through the maze of things we may not understand. Just as the Red Sea opened for Israel, we must never forget this day when Adonai spoke without speaking through the actions of one woman (Queen Ester) who decided to choose Elohim over the tyranny of men.

Today I ask all those who reflect on the time we are in. To ask, what can I do to be a servant to the highest (Adonai).

Happy Purim and Shabbat Shalom.


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